Legally, students may not be present in a school in session without
immunizations. For more information contact:
[email protected] or (239) 337-8244.
Deciding when to keep your child home from school can be difficult. This guideline will help you decide when a child is sick and needs to stay at home. Parents should contact the school and describe the illness and symptoms. If a medical provider makes a specific diagnosis (such as strep throat, conjunctivitis or chicken pox), let school staff know. For specific school policies please refer to the school handbook.
There are three reasons to keep (exclude) sick children from school:
- The child does not feel well enough to participate comfortably in usual activities, such as with extreme signs of tiredness or fatigue, unexplained irritability or persistent crying.
- The child requires more care than the school staff is able to provide without effecting the health and safety of the other children.
- The illness is on the list of symptoms or illness for which exclusion is recommended. The following list gives guidelines and recommendations for exclusion from school due to illness.
Children with minor illness need not be excluded unless one or more of the following exists:
Chicken Pox Yes - A child with uncomplicated chicken pox may return when blisters have dried and crusted (usually 6 days).
Conjunctivitis (pink or red mucous or pus draining from the eye) Yes – May return 24 hours after treatment begins. If your with thick health provider decides not to treat your child, a note is needed.
Coughing (severe, uncontrolled coughing or wheezing, rapid or difficulty in breathing) Yes - Medical attention may be necessary. Note: Children with asthma may be cared for in school with a written health care plan and authorization for medication/treatment.
Diarrhea with illness (vomiting, fever, rash) Yes – May attend if cause of diarrhea is not illness related, caused by antibiotics or food sensitivity Diarrhea: e.g. stools that are watery and frequency is twice what is usual
Fever Fever is an elevation of body temperature above normal. Yes - when fever is elevated above 100 degrees and is accompanied by behavior changes or other symptoms of illness, such as fatigue, rash, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.
Fifth’s Disease No - child is no longer contagious once rash illness appears.
Headlice Yes - May return after treatment and removal of all live lice and nits from hair.
IMPETIGO/ STAPH/ MRSA Yes – May return 24 hours after treatment starts. Wound must be covered with dressing taped on all 4 sides.
Body Rash Yes - Seek medical advice. Any rash that spreads quickly, has open, weeping wounds and/or is not healing should be evaluated. May return to school when medical provider determines that illness is not communicable.
Mild Cold Symptoms (stuffy nose with clear drainage, sneezing, mild cough) No – May attend if well enough to participate in school activities.
Ringworm Yes - May return after treatment begins. Area should be covered while in school.
Roseola Yes – seek medical advice.
Scabies Yes – May return after treatment is started with note from medical provider.
Strep Throat Yes – May return after 24 hours of antibiotic treatment and no fever for 24 hours.
Vaccine Preventable Diseases (mumps, measles, whooping cough) Yes – until judged not infectious by a medical provider.
Vomiting Yes – Must be vomit free for 24 hours before returning to school.
Note: Observe for other signs of illness and for dehydration.
Developed by The Children’s Hospital School Health Program, Denver, CO (303)-281-2790, 1995, revised 1999, 2001, 2003
Revised 2009, for use by Christa McAuliffe Charter School Cape Coral, FL. (239) 283-4511.
- American Academy of Pediatrics, American Public Health Association, National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care, Caring for Our Children: National Health and Safety Performance Standards, Second Edition, Elk Grove Village, IL 2002
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, ABC’s for Safe and Healthy Child Care. A Handbook for Child Care Providers. Atlanta, GA. U. S. Department of Commerce; 1996
- Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Communicable Disease Epidemiology Program, Infectious Disease in Child Care Settings: Guidelines for Child Care Providers, Denver, CO., December 2002
- Kendrick AS, Kaufman R., Messenger KP, Eds. Healthy Young Children: A Manual for Programs. Washington, D.C. National Association for the Education of Young Children; 2002
Wellness Policy
City of Cape Coral Charter School Authority’s Wellness Policies on Physical Activity and Nutrition
At the City of Cape Coral Charter School Authority, we believe that children need access to healthy foods and physical activity in order to grow, learn, and thrive because good health fosters student attendance and education.
We recognize that obesity rates have doubled in children and tripled in adolescents over the last two decades, and physical inactivity and excessive calorie intake are the predominant causes of obesity. In addition, heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes are responsible for two-thirds of deaths in the United States. The major risk factors for those diseases, including unhealthy eating habits, physical inactivity, and obesity, often are established in childhood.
Despite the fact that school districts around the country are facing significant fiscal and scheduling constraints, we feel it is essential to develop and implement a successful school wellness policy to address these issues. We want to be proactive with community participation in the development and implementation of our plan.
Thus, the City of Cape Coral Charter School Authority is committed to providing school environments that promote and protect children’s health, well-being, and ability to learn by supporting healthy eating and physical activity. Therefore, it is the policy of the City of Cape Coral Charter School Authority that:
- The school district will engage students, parents, teachers, food service professionals, health professionals, and other interested community members in developing, implementing, monitoring, and reviewing district-wide nutrition and physical activity policies.
- All students in grades K-12 will have opportunities, support, and encouragement to be physically active on a regular basis.
- Foods and beverages sold or served at school will meet the nutrition recommendations of the U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
- Qualified child nutrition professionals will provide students with access to a variety of affordable, nutritious, and appealing foods that meet the health and nutrition needs of students; will accommodate the religious, ethnic, and cultural diversity of the student body in meal planning; and will provide clean, safe, and pleasant settings and adequate time for students to eat.
- To the maximum extent practicable, all schools in our district will participate in available federal school meal programs (including the School Breakfast Program, and the National School Lunch Program).
- Schools will provide nutrition education and physical education to foster lifelong habits of healthy eating and physical activity, and will establish linkages between health education and school meal programs, and with related community services.
I. School Health Councils
The school district and/or individual schools within the district will create, strengthen, or work within existing school health councils to develop, implement, monitor, review, and, as necessary, revise school nutrition and physical activity policies. The councils also will serve as resources to school sites for implementing those policies.
II. Nutritional Quality of Foods and Beverages Sold and Served on Campus
School Meals:
Meals served through the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs will:
- be appealing and attractive to children;
- be served in clean and pleasant settings;
- meet, at a minimum, nutrition requirements established by local, state, and federal statutes and regulations including the Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards;
- offer a variety of fruits and vegetables;
- serve only low-fat (1%, 0.5%) and fat-free milk and nutritionally-equivalent non-dairy alternatives (to be defined by USDA); and
- ensure that half of the served grains are whole grain.
Breakfast. To ensure that all children have breakfast, either at home or at school, in order to meet their nutritional needs and enhance their ability to learn:
- Elementary, Middle and High Schools will operate the School Breakfast Program.
- Schools that serve breakfast to students will notify parents and students of the availability of the School Breakfast Program.
Free and Reduced-priced Meals. Schools will make every effort to eliminate any social stigma attached to, and prevent the overt identification of, students who are eligible for free and reduced-price school meals. Toward this end, schools may utilize electronic identification and payment systems and promote the availability of school meals to all students. Provide training to new staff members on the importance of discretion when students go through the lunch line. Ensure to maintain, improve and upgrade cafeteria system when financially possible.
Meal Times and Scheduling.
- will provide students with at least 10 minutes to eat after sitting down for breakfast and 20 minutes after sitting down for lunch;
- should schedule meal periods at appropriate times
- should not schedule tutoring, club, or organizational meetings or activities during mealtimes, unless students may eat during such activities;
- will provide students access to hand washing or hand sanitizing before they eat meals or snacks; and
- should take reasonable steps to accommodate the tooth-brushing regimens of students with special oral health needs (e.g., orthodontia or high tooth decay risk).
Qualifications of School Food Service Staff. Qualified nutrition professionals will administer the school meal programs. As part of the school district’s responsibility to operate a food service program, we will provide continuing professional development for all nutrition professionals in schools. Staff development programs should include appropriate certification and/or training programs for child nutrition directors, school nutrition managers, and cafeteria workers, according to their levels of responsibility.
Sharing of Foods and Beverages. Schools should discourage students from sharing their foods or beverages with one another during meal or snack times, given concerns about allergies and other restrictions on some children’s diets.
Competitive Foods – All Foods and Beverages Sold Individually (i.e., foods sold outside of reimbursable school meals, such as through vending machines, cafeteria a la carte [snack] lines, fundraisers, school stores, etc.)
Competitive foods are defined as all foods and beverages other than meals reimbursed under programs authorized by the National Schools Lunch Act offered for sale to students during the school on school campus. The school day is from midnight before to 30 minutes after school officially ends. Competitive foods are also divided between meeting or not meeting the nutritional standards of the Smart Snacks in Schools Regulations.
The sale of competitive food shall not be allowed to be sold during meal periods in the same area as reimbursable meals except for items sold by the food service department that meets Smart Snacks in Schools Regulations.
The sale of competitive foods that do not meet the nutritional standards established in the Smart Snacks in Schools Regulations can only be permitted if approved by principal 30 minutes after the end of the official day until midnight of that day.
Elementary Schools. The school food service program will approve and provide all food and beverage sales to students in elementary schools. Given young children’s limited nutrition skills, food in elementary schools should be sold as balanced meals. If available, foods and beverages sold individually should be limited to three times a week and follow the food guidelines listed below. Only water, low-fat and non-fat milk, and soy milk will be provided as beverages.
Middle/Junior High and High Schools. In middle/junior high and high schools, all foods and beverages sold individually outside the reimbursable school meal programs (including those sold through a la carte [snack] lines, vending machines) during the school day, or through programs for students after the school day, will meet the following nutrition and portion size standards:
General nutrition requirements:
- Be a grain product that contains 50 percent or more whole grains by weight or have as the first ingredient a whole grain; or
- Have as the first ingredient one of the nongrain major food groups: fruits, vegetables, dairy or protein foods (meat, beans, poultry, seafood, eggs, nuts, seeds, etc.); or
- Be a combination food that contains 1⁄4 cup of fruit and/or vegetable; or
- Contain 10 percent of the daily value of a nutrient of public health concern based on the most recent Dietary Guidelines for Americans (i.e., calcium, potassium, vitamin D or dietary fiber). Effective July 1, 2016, this criterion is obsolete.
Nutrient standards:
Nutrient standards |
Snack Item |
Entrée Item |
Calories |
200 calories or less |
350 calories or less |
Sodium Limits |
200 mg or less |
480 mg or less |
Total Fat Limits |
35% or less of total calories |
35% or less of total calories |
Saturated fat |
10% or less of total calories |
10% or less of total calories |
Sugar Limits |
35% or less of weight from total sugars |
35% or less of weight from total sugars |
- Entrées served in the NSLP/SBP on the day of service and the following school day.
- Fresh, frozen or canned fruits and vegetables with no added ingredients, except water, which are packed in 100 percent juice, extra light syrup or light syrup
*Refer to 7 CFR 210.11 competitive food service standards for additional exemptions.
Nutrition standards for beverages: Portion sizes listed are the maximum that can be offered.
Beverages |
Elementary |
Middle |
High |
Plain water |
unlimited |
unlimited |
unlimited |
Unflavored low-fat milk |
8 fl. oz. |
12 fl. oz. |
12 fl. oz. |
Unflavored or flavored fat-free milk |
8 fl. oz. |
12 fl. oz. |
12 fl. oz. |
100% fruit or vegetable juice |
8 fl. oz. |
12 fl. oz. |
12 fl. oz. |
100% fruit or vegetable juice diluted with water but no added sweeteners |
8 fl. oz. |
12 fl. oz. |
12 fl. oz. |
Calorie-free, flavored water and other flavored drinks |
Not allowed |
Not allowed |
20 fl. oz. |
Low-calorie (5 calories or less per 8 fl. oz.) |
Not allowed |
Not allowed |
20 fl. oz. |
Low-calorie (40 calorie or less per 8 fl. oz.) |
Not allowed |
Not allowed |
12 l. oz. |
Elementary Schools – no beverage/snack vending machines may be in operation where students may purchase items during the school day.
Middle Schools – no soft drinks will be allowed to be sold at any time. Items sold must meet the nutritional guidelines but must not be allowed to be sold during the food service.
High Schools – no soft drinks will be allowed to be sold before or during school hours. Vending machines with soft drinks will be allowed after 8th period until 10:00pm. Items sold must meet the nutritional guidelines but must not be allowed to be sold until after the last school bell.
Fundraising Activities. To support children’s health and school nutrition-education efforts, it is highly recommended that school fundraising activities should not involve food or will use only foods that meet the above nutrition and portion size standards for foods and beverages sold individually. No fundraisers that include the sale of food items will occur until thirty (30) minutes after the conclusion of the school day until midnight of that day and approved by the principal.
The school board is permitted to grant a special exemption from the standards for competitive foods as specified above for the purpose of conducting infrequent school sponsored fundraisers, not to exceed to maximum number of school days per school campus each school year:
School Type |
Maximum Number of School Days to Conduct Exempted Fundraisers |
Elementary Schools |
5 days |
Middle School/Junior High Schools |
10 days |
Senior High Schools |
15 days |
Combination Schools |
10 days |
Schools will encourage fundraising activities that promote physical activity such as jog-a-thons and 5K runs. The school district will make available a list of ideas for acceptable fundraising activities.
Snacks. It is recommended that snacks served during the school day or in after-school care or enrichment programs will make a positive contribution to children’s diets and health, with an emphasis on serving fruits and vegetables as the primary snacks and water as the primary beverage. Schools will assess if and when to offer snacks based on timing of school meals, children’s nutritional needs, children’s ages, and other considerations. The district will disseminate a list of healthful snack items to teachers, after-school program personnel, and parents.
- If eligible, schools that provide snacks through after-school programs will pursue receiving reimbursements through the National School Lunch Program.
Rewards. It is suggested that schools will not use foods or beverages, especially those that do not meet the nutrition standards for foods and beverages sold individually (above), as rewards for academic performance or good behavior, and will not withhold food or beverages (including food served through school meals) as a punishment.
Celebrations. We encourage parents to bring in healthy store-bought items for celebrations. It should be recommended that each party should try to include no more than one food or beverage that does not meet nutrition standards for foods and beverages sold individually (above). The district will disseminate a list of healthy party ideas to parents and teachers.
School-sponsored Events (such as, but not limited to, athletic events, dances, or performances). Foods and beverages offered or sold at school-sponsored events outside the school day should meet the nutrition standards for meals or for foods and beverages sold individually (above). No soda will be used in elementary or middle school activities. High School events will be allowed to provide soda but must also include one fruit juice option available.
Food and Beverage Marketing. School-based marketing will be consistent with policies for nutrition education and health promotion. As such, the following guidelines apply:
- Schools will only be allowed to market and advertise those foods and beverages that meet or exceed USDA’s Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards.
- Marketing activities that promote healthful behaviors (and are therefore encouraged) include: vending machine covers promoting water, pricing structures that promote healthy options in a la carte lines or vending machines, sales of fruit for fundraisers and coupons for discounted gym memberships.
III. Nutrition and Physical Activity Promotion and Food Marketing
Nutrition Education and Promotion. The City of Cape Coral Charter School Authority aims to teach, encourage, and support healthy eating by students. Schools should provide nutrition education and engage in nutrition promotion that:
- is offered at both elementary schools for each grade level as part of their physical education curriculum. It will include gaining knowledge of the myplate making healthy choices to promote and protect their health;
- is an integral part of our 6th grade health class in our Oasis middle school and our Health Opportunities in Physical Education (H.O.P.E.) program in our Oasis High School;
- promotes fruits, vegetables, whole grain products, low-fat and fat-free dairy products, healthy food preparation methods, and health-enhancing nutrition practices;
- emphasizes caloric balance between food intake and energy expenditure (physical activity/exercise);
- links with school meal programs, other school foods, and nutrition-related community services;
- Will provide posters and/or brochures on the importance of healthy eating;
Communications with Parents. The district/school will support parents’ efforts to provide a healthy diet and daily physical activity for their children. Schools should encourage parents to pack healthy lunches and snacks and to refrain from including beverages and foods that do not meet the above nutrition standards for individual foods and beverages. The district/school will provide parents a list of foods that meet the district’s snack standards and ideas for healthy celebrations/parties, rewards, and fundraising activities.
The school district will provide a monthly nutritional fact on menus and the school website to enhance nutritional communication with parents. In addition, the school district will feature a fruit and vegetable flyer on the website which will provide recipes and nutritional facts.
The school district will provide parents/guardians the ability to view the food and beverage items their student is buying using a District approved online meal account/payment system.
The district/school will provide information about physical education and other school-based physical activity opportunities before, during, and after the school day; and support parents’ efforts to provide their children with opportunities to be physically active outside of school. Such supports will include sharing information about physical activity and physical education through a website, newsletter, or other take-home materials, special events, or physical education homework.
Student Evaluations. Any students in grades 1st, 3rd, 6th, and new to Lee County, (per state mandate) will have their height, weight and Body Mass Index taken. Once the students’ Body Mass Index is calculated and graphed using the CDC table for Calculated Body Mass Index Values, any students outside the 3rd and 97th percentile or failure of the student to grow heavier or taller will be sent a letter of referral for the student to be evaluated by a medical doctor. BMI is monitored throughout the 6th grade and any follow up regarding students’ health care visit is documented, BMI findings and referrals are reported to the Lee County Health Department yearly.
If a medical referral is not indicated, but a teacher or the nurse observes signs of nutritional problems or poor eating habits that may lead to future health problems, a nutritional screening may be done from grades K through 12 with the parent’s approval. The students’ Body Mass Index is calculated, graphed and monitored using present and previous BMI findings. A Health History for Nutritional Assessment is done. Findings are recorded and health care provider follow up is suggested in the form of a letter sent home. These students’ BMI is monitored, and any findings of BMI issues are reported to the Lee County Health Department. Any follow up regarding student’s health care visit are documented.
IV. Physical Activity Opportunities and Physical Education
Daily Physical Education (P.E.) K-12. All students in grades K-12, including students with disabilities, special health-care needs, and in alternative educational settings will have the opportunity to take a physical education course that has been reviewed by a certified physical education teacher.
Each elementary school will provide 150 minutes of physical education each week for students in kindergarten through 5th grade. Any day that physical education is provided there should be at least 30 consecutive minutes per day.
For middle school students, the equivalent of one class period per day of physical education for one semester of each year is required for students enrolled in grades 6 through 8.
The high school requirement is one credit of physical education which must include the integration of health.
Exceptions to this requirements would be if a student is enrolled in remedial courses or a parent provides in writing that they want their student to take other courses or that their student participates in physical activities outside of the school day that equal or are in excess of that requirement.
Physical Activity Opportunities Before and After School. All elementary, middle, and high schools will attempt to offer extracurricular physical activity programs, such as physical activity clubs or intramural programs. All high schools, and middle schools as appropriate, will offer interscholastic sports programs. Schools will offer a range of activities that meet the needs, interests, and abilities of all students, including boys, girls, students with disabilities, and students with special health-care needs.
After-school childcare and enrichment programs will provide and encourage – verbally and through the provision of space, equipment, and activities – daily periods of moderate to vigorous physical activity for all participants.
Teachers are strongly encouraged to allow students at least 15 minutes a day of physical activity through recess or P.E.
Use of School Facilities Outside of School Hours. School spaces and facilities should be available to supervised students and staff before, during, and after the school day. School policies concerning safety will apply at all times.
V. Other-School Based Activities
The school district will integrate wellness activities across the entire school setting. These initiatives will include nutrition, physical activity and other wellness components so that all efforts work towards the same set of goals and objectives used to promote student well-being, optimal development and strong educational outcomes.
General Guidelines
- The goals outlined by the wellness policy will be considered in planning all school-based activities (such as school events, field trips, dances and assemblies).
- Afterschool programs will encourage healthy snacking and physical activity.
- Each school shall actively develop and support the engagement of students, families and staff in community health-enhancing activities and events at the school or throughout the community such as 5K runs.
- Each school within the Authority shall be in compliance with drug, alcohol and tobacco-free polies.
Convenient and Safe Drinking Water
- Students will have access to free, quality drinking water in all areas of each school.
Eating Environment
- Students will be provided an adequate amount of time to consume their meal with a minimum of 20 minutes after receiving their food from the line.
- Convenient access to facilities for hand washing and oral hygiene will be available during meal periods.
Employee Wellness
- The Authority Wellness committee will coordinate with human resources staff and ensure staff is aware and available for wellness programs like healthy screenings and subsidized gym membership.
Health Services
- A coordinated program of accessible health services shall be provided to staff and shall include, but not be limited to, violence prevention, school safety, communicable disease prevention, health screening, including body mass index, community health referrals, immunizations, parenting skills and first aid/CPR training.
- Each school shall maximize the reduction of waste by recycling, reusing, composting and purchasing recycled products when economically feasible.
VI. Monitoring and Policy Review
Monitoring. The administrator or food services supervisor will ensure compliance with established district-wide nutrition and physical activity wellness policies. In each school, the principal or designee will ensure compliance with those policies in his/her school and will report on the school’s compliance to the school district administrator or food services director.
School food service staff, at the school or district level, will ensure compliance with nutrition policies within school food service areas and will report on this matter to the superintendent (or if done at the school level, to the school principal). In addition, the school district will report on the most recent USDA School Meals Initiative (SMI) review findings and any resulting changes. If the district has not received a SMI review from the state agency within the past five years, the district will request from the state agency that a SMI review be scheduled as soon as possible.
The administrator or food services supervisor will develop a summary report every year on district-wide compliance with the district’s established nutrition and physical activity wellness policies, based on input from schools within the district. That report will be provided to the school board and also distributed to all school health councils, parent/teacher organizations, school principals, and school health services personnel in the district.
Policy Review. Assessments will be repeated every year to help review policy compliance, assess progress, and determine areas in need of improvement. As part of that review, the school district will review our nutrition and physical activity policies; provision of an environment that supports healthy eating and physical activity; and nutrition and physical education policies and program elements. The district, and individual schools within the district, will, as necessary, revise the wellness policies and develop work plans to facilitate their implementation.
Triennial Progress Assessments. The Cape Coral Charter School Authority will develop a triennial assessment to measure compliance with our wellness policy. This assessment will include, but is not limited to the following:
- The extent to which schools under the jurisdiction of the Cape Coral Charter School Authority are in compliance with the local school wellness policy;
- The extent to which the local school wellness policy compares to model wellness policies; and
- A description of the progress made in attaining the goals of the local school wellness policy.
- The assessment tool will consider evidence-based strategies in establishing our nutrition promotion and education, physical activity and other-school based activities that promote student wellness. Will evaluate strategies and at a minimum look at smarter lunchroom tools and techniques.
Informing the Public. The Cape Coral Charter School Authority will ensure the wellness policy, information and updates to and about the wellness policy, the progress report and triennial assessment are available to the public at all times and are updated at least annually.
- To ensure the public has access and is aware of the annual results, the report will be presented annually at our recorded school board meeting and will be approved by the school board each year.
- The Cape Coral Charter School Authority will ensure the most updated version of the wellness policy, the progress report and the triennial assessment are always available on the school website for the public to view.
- Each school will inform all parents that a complete copy of the local school wellness policy at the beginning of the school year and make the policy available to the public by posting it on our website.
Assurance: We assure that the guidelines for reimbursable school meals shall not be less restrictive than regulations and guidance issued by USDA.
Wellness Policy Committee – This committee has assessed the school’s nutrition and physical activity needs and developed this Policy based on those needs.
The committee is composed of the following representatives:
Area Represented |
Committee Member Name |
Parent |
Mary Ossichak, |
School Food Service Personnel |
Danielle Jensen, Caroline Sterling, Luz Llerena, Maria Thomas |
School Administrator |
Jacquelin Collins, Donnie Hopper, MaryBeth Grecsek, Kevin Brown, Kelly Weeks, Lisa Perez |
School Nurse |
Melanie Klages |
Governing Board |
Susan Mitchell |
Students |
Jacob Jensen, Sam Chen |
Website Address for the Wellness Policy (if Public or Charter School):